Monday, June 20, 2011

Like a Rolling Stone

Well Happy Summer Solstice everyone!!! In order to celebrate I thought I would feature the work of one of our artists, Thomas Kellner.
Kellner 33#36 England Stonehenge
Stonehenge, England
Stonehenge (the most famous of all henges, of course) is theorized by many to be a spiritual site used by ancient druids to celebrate the Winter and Summer solstices.  In fact, the only time the monument’s center is open to public access is during these two periods of the year.
German born Kellner has been using his unique photographic process to capture stunning images of monuments, buildings and interiors across the world.
Guggenheim, New York (2003)

After being awarded the Kodak Germany Young Professionals Prize he decided to dedicate his life to the medium of photography.
San Francisco, Afternoon at Golden Gate Bridge (2004)

Kellner’s style is instantaneously recognizable and inspiring.
British Museum, London (2005)

For more information, or to see Kellner’s work in person, please visit the John Cleary Gallery during regular business hours or by appointment if necessary!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Keliy Anderson-Staley: Kickstarter Project


Regular blog followers will remember my first show at the John Cleary Gallery a couple of months ago with artist Keliy Anderson-Staley (or perhaps you might remember the Cookie Baking Fiasco of 2011).


Installation shot


Keliy has recently began a project on Kickstarter in which many of you may be interested in participating:

For the official website and donation options check out the Kickstarter page here, and ahorn magazine has a wonderful interview with Keliy about the project here.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hello, Goodbye


The beginning of June is bringing about lots of changes here at the John Cleary Gallery.  Henry Horenstein’s Show photos have come down to make way for Mitch Dobrowner’s Storm Series.  (It’s not too late to make the opening reception with the artist tonight from 6-8 p.m.!)


You don’t have to go but you can’t stay here! (No seriously, we don’t have the storage)


The other big change happening is that, unfortunately, my tenure here as assistant director will come to a close at the end of tonight’s opening.  I can say without hesitation that it has been a pleasure to come into this gallery every day and be surrounded but such fascinating pieces of art. 

Weep not for me, though, because upon leaving here I will be headed on a two month tour singing the baritone solo in Brahm’s Requiem across Europe.  My blogging duties aren’t exactly ending because I may make a random post here or there whenever inspiration hits.  (Until then you can always follow my own blog here!)

So thanks for following and please say hello/goodbye if you make it to the opening tonight.