Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Frank Yamrus: I Feel Lucky Book and Special Edition Print


Frank Yamrus' recently released I Feel Lucky has been receiving some great press as of late, most recently with a fantastic interview with At Length Magazine by Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching. (Click here for the interview)



In his own words, Frank describes the work thusly:

Originally inspired by the onset of my first (and hopefully last) midlife crisis, I created the I Feel Lucky collection of self-portraits between my 47th and 53rd birthdays. Initially titled Less Than or Equal to 50, this series began with a looming deadline of my 50th birthday, as if on this milestone my midlife crisis would magically resolve itself. At the time, typical midlife crisis issues — relationships, faith, career, health and mortality — were producing classic midlife crisis symptoms — moodiness, exhaustion, the desire to make change and some deafening private politics of self-identity. With my camera, my constant companion during this time, I contemplated a lifetime of choices and created present-day images to evaluate my past with the hope of glimpsing my future.


Untitled (Kiss), 2007


Concomitant to Frank's photographs, the book includes two essays on the collection: "The Borrowed Mirror" by W.M. Hunt and "Everyman: Frank Yamrus" by Sunil Gupta.

Additionally, we are pleased to offer a special edition of the book which includes I Feel Lucky and a limited, 5 x 7 inch print of Untitled (Sunset), as seen below:


Untitled (Sunset)

The stand-alone book is available for $35 and the special edition with limited print can be purchased for $200.

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